Saturday, 1 November 2014

[FB] B'in Music + Hao Xiao Zong's Facebook Updates About MP 2014/10/26

Hao Xiao Zong's post is below the cut~!

B'in #1


Magic Power watches the movie, 「Dream Flight」, with (their) fans

Fans these days are really enthusiastic, but (you guys) need to keep it down when the movie starts! And when (you're) leaving the venue, remember to be watchful of your volume so as to not affect other movie-goers! Let others know that MPFs are very cultured!
Click here for Hao Xiao Zong's post!

Hao Xiao Zong #1
本來想說燈一暗我就要偷溜出去逛西門町 等快結束再”偷偷的“坐回去
沒想到好看到我淚流滿面無法乾 李導情緒堆疊太強 一盒面紙都不夠
一度覺得該收拾情緒迎接END了 沒想到洋蔥還沒剝完又來一顆
感謝今天來參加的歌迷朋友們 如果覺得想飛好看記得口碑嘎傳落去
國片需要大家的支持 最後記得11/7 逆轉勝 全台上映

Today, MP booked an entire cinema hall & invited (their) fans to watch (the movie) "Dream Flight"
Initially, (I) was thinking of secretly sneaking out to shop at Ximending once the lights were dimmed, and then "Secretly" going back to my seat towards the end of the movie
(But I) didn't expect (the movie) to be so good that my entire face was covered in tears that were unable to dry
(i.e. to keep on crying). (The way that) Director Li stacked up the emotions was so good that even a box of tissues weren't enough
At a certain point when (I) thought that (I) could stop crying
(lit. gather my emotions) & welcome the END (of the movie), who would expect that (I) would continue crying on (lit. there's another onion to be peeled)
The last half an hour (of the movie) does not allow your tear ducts to rest at all
Thank you to all the fans who attended (the event) today. If you feel that Dream Flight is nice to watch, then remember to spread the word (dialect)
(Our) local films need everyone's support! Lastly, remember that Second Chance will be released in Taiwan on 11/7!

Translated by i-MPF 

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