Kai #1
Actually, the coolest (facial) expression is to not have any expression, good morning! ^_^

Goo #1Click through to read Ting's post on his explanation about what happened at the 2 HK concerts
Xian, day 3. The Rock Bus has officially been launched. Note: (If you) have time (lit catch time), then sleep.

MP #1
廷(Mr. Superhero):
Ting (Mr. Superhero):
I gradually lost control of my voice (lit. my voice stopped listening to instructions) over (these past) two weeks of campus concerts and band practices. I was very anxious, because this would be the first time (we're) bringing (our) Fighting For Love concert to Hongkong & even having two shows in a row. I knew that there were fans who had been waiting (for this) for a very long time and were also really looking forward to these two concerts, so I was really afraid that I would have to go onstage with (my) voice in this kind of a condition in the end.
As expected, (I) could clearly hear (my) voice starting to get more and more hoarse through (my) ear monitors and could feel (my) throat getting weak (lit. powerless) by the time I was singing the fourth song. As (I) looked at the fans in the audience, there were probably some who were watching MP's concert for the first time, (and here) I was, actually unable to perform in the most perfect condition for them. I (felt) very guilty, and was also very upset. (I) even messed up what I was gonna say (lit. my pace) in the 'talking (segment)'. Just like a wilful child, I was angry with myself on stage & I lost the professionalism of a professional performer. Not only (do I feel apologetic towards) the fans who came that day, I also feel very apologetic towards my members.
After the first concert ended, I knew that (my) vocal condition wouldn't improve, but I still had to gather (my) emotions & give my all for the second concert. As such, I was able to get back my rhythm and smile at the second concert. As for why (I) didn't want to explain (what happened on the first night), it was because I didn't want to (appear) like a weak person, as only those who are weak find excuses. (But) it's just that I saw some fans saying I used two (different) standards to perform (at the concerts) because of the difference in the size of the crowd on the two nights, (and that I) didn't give my best - these four words are too severe an accusation for a performer. There were times when we went to places that were quite remote & inconvenient for fans (to go to) & fewer people came, but because it was hard on everyone (who came), we sang more songs.「We don't care about how many people who come, but we definitely care about every single person who comes」. This sentence that (I've) said before still lingers in (my) ears & (I'll) never forget it (my) whole life. When it comes to music, (I) have never (let myself) carelessly slacken in these five years, not even for a minute or a second. My conscience is definitely clear about this. But this misunderstanding arose because of my unprofessional attitude that day, (so,) to everyone who came for the first concert, I'm sorry, (I'm) really very sorry for letting some of you guys worry & for (causing) some of you to go back disappointed. (I) hope that the next time we visit Hongkong, (we'll) be able to bring (lit. use) (our) brand new musical energy and performance to compensate for the lack (of it) this time around. I will also stop immaturely bringing my (personal) emotions on stage.
Translated by i-MPF
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