B'in #1
“我相信校園巡迴演唱會”長沙站精彩落幕!白安、李劍青繼續接力開場,笑稱他們是“白劍組合”!劍青透露自己的外婆是湖南人,所以來到長沙覺得非常親切。兩個人剛唱完就匆匆趕往機場,第二日將現身李宗盛廈門演唱會。 MP魔幻力量、丁噹今天分別加碼新歌單《天機》和《手掌心》,前者讓同學們跟著節奏搖擺唱跳,氣氛high到不行!後者則掀起全場大合唱!
The Changsha Stop of the “B'in Together Campus Concert Tour” (has come to) an exciting end! Ann & JQ continue to open the show one after the other (lit. relay), jokingly naming themselves as the "Bai Jian* Team"! JQ revealed that his maternal grandmother is from Hunan, so (he) feels very fond of Changsha. After singing (their segments), the two of them hurriedly^ rushed off to the airport, (as they were) due to perform (lit. appear) at Jonathan Lee's concert in Xiamen the next day. Magic Power & Della added (the songs)《Heaven's Secret》&《Palm》to their set lists respectively today, with the former causing students to rock out, sing & dance along to the beat, (making) the atmosphere extremely high! (And) the latter sparking off a sing-along session with the audience!
t/n:*"白劍 (Bai Jian) Team" is basically the first letters of Ann (Bai An) and JQ (Lee JianQing)'s Chinese names joined together, but it can also mean "white sword" or refer to a herb that's commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
^"匆匆" is the name of one of JQ's songs, which was probably why they included it here.
Translated by i-MPF
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