Sunday 23 November 2014

[FB] MP's Facebook Updates 2014/11/22 (Personal Accs)

Goo #1
Just finished talking to a master (DJ) & felt that (I) learnt a lot (from him). Hope that I can be a master (DJ) in the future too. Goodnight* :)
t/n: * "鼓耐" (gǔ nài) = 鼓 + Goodnight

Leibao #1
I've been made bankrupt by these two guys...

t/n: Leibao, Kai & Goo are playing 旅遊大亨, or Line's Everybody's Marble which can be found in the Apple App Store here.

In first position: 胖咕咕 (Fat Gu Gu): Goo
Second postion: 小金城武 (Little Takeshi Kaneshiro): Kai
Last position/Bankrupt: 賴世凱是胖子 (Lai Shikai is a fatty): Leibao

Kai #1
Boss, (I) really like* this top, I want it!
t/n: * "喜翻" (xǐ fān) is a (deliberate) typo to sound cute, with its' pronunciation similar to the actual phrase "喜歡" (xǐ huān), which means 'like'.
Goo's last post can be found below the cut!

No image posted.
Goo #2
對不起..我知道是很少數 , 也拜託大家不要互相責備 , 最喜歡看到大家相親相愛的樣子 , 只是需要不斷的提醒 , 為了音樂與表演我幾乎時常無法入眠 , 平均睡眠4~5小時 , 腦子裡滿滿的是點子 和沒做完的事 以及需要做的事 , 愛我們就再多給我們一點休息空間 讓我們好好喘口氣 , 在台上給你們最棒的MP ~ 謝謝!知道你們最乖了~

I'm sorry.. I know that it's only a small group (of MPFs who do it), but everyone, please do not blame each other. (I) really like it the most when (I) see you guys being loving towards each other. It's just that there's a need to constantly remind (you guys) that while in the midst of (making) music and (preparing for performances), I almost always suffer from insomnia, having only an average of 4-5hours of sleep ( a day) because (my) brain is filled with ideas as well as (a list of) things left undone. (So if you) love us, then please give us some resting space so that we can catch our breaths properly & be able to present the best MP (performances) to you on stage~ Thank you! (I) know your guys are the nicest~

t/n: To see the post that Goo shared from MP's main account, click HERE & scroll to the bottom of the post

Translated by i-MPF 

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