B'in #1
@MP魔幻力量 《偷偷的》邀请新宅男女神小敏当MV女主!贴心又害羞的暖男鼓鼓演绎甜蜜又酸苦的暗恋心情,默默的在身边守护着小敏,偷偷的为她修车、准备热饮、抱吉他深情弹唱...鼓鼓:“以前经常收到女生送早餐!我可以想像喜欢一个人并且想要照顾对方的心情。” 好想也有人偷偷的给小编送豆浆油条哦~
@MagicPower invites new "geek goddess" XiaoMin to be the female lead in the《Secretly》MV! Playing a warm guy who's considerate and shy, Googoo interprets the sweet, sour & bitter feelings of (a person who has) a crush, silently protecting XiaoMin by her side, secretly repairing her bicycle for her, preparing hot beverages for her (and even) singing & playing the guitar (for her)... Googoo: "(I) used to receive breakfast from girls often! I can imagine the feeling of liking someone and (having) a heart that wants to take care of that person." I (the editor) sure would like to have someone send me soy milk and fried dough fritters* secretly too~
t/n: Soy milk and fried dough fritters (豆浆油条) is a popular choice for breakfast for Chinese people~
MP #1
Goo: (I guess) loving (someone) secretly is also a type of happiness?
B'in #1
【Bin 曝光】除了期待的假期,更要期待12/20@MP魔幻力量 “我们的主场”台北小巨蛋万人演唱会!已经开始倒计时咯!!小编看到演唱会精华已经热血喷张!按捺不住激动一起跳起来啦! 一起“吼”起来!>>http://t.cn/RhxPHqR
【Bin Reveals】Other than looking forward to the holidays, (you) should look forward to @MagicPower's 12/20 “Our Home Ground” Taipei Arena 10,000 audience concert even more! (We've) already started counting down!! I (editor) feel really hot-blooded after watching this quintessential version of (MP's past) concerts! Don't hold back (your) excitement & start dancing along! >> (Let's) roar together! http://t.cn/RhxPHqR
Translated by i-MPF
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