Friday, 24 October 2014

[FB] MP's Facebook Updates 2014/10/23 (Personal Accs)

Kai #1
給各位好想我看私訊的你們⋯希望你們跟我分享任何大小事不管開心不開心或是疑難雜症。拜託不要只跟我說(已讀我,拜託)(凱開,你好帥)(小金城武你讀我求求你)。還有 乖乖 你們都答應我,不要罵髒話!因為一點都不可愛了⋯打勾勾噢!啾咪

To everyone who wants me to read your messages⋯ [I] hope that you guys can share all the big and small things [that happen in your daily lives] with me, whether it's a happy [thing] or a sad [thing], or [to ask me for solutions to any] difficult problems [you're facing]. Please do not just say to me (Please read my [message]) (Kaikai, you're so handsome) (Little Takeshi Kaneshiro, read my [messages], I'm begging you). And also, be good, everyone, promise me not to spew vulgarities! Because [that kinda behaviour] isn't cute at all⋯ [It's a] pinky promise! Muack

Goo #1
Why aren't convenience stores inviting (lit. finding) us to endorse (their products)? In a day, I'll have at least one or two of my meals there. (I'm) ok with even just filming an episode of  Super Taste (at the convenience store). Why? Why is that so? Why on earth (isn't this happening)?
Goo also shared this video on Weibo with the caption:
來看看我拍的視頻:“便利商店不找MP代言要找誰”,點此播放>>|美拍(通過 #美拍# 錄製)
Come and watch the video I shot: "Who else can convenience stores ask to endorse (their products) other than MP", Click here to play (on) >> Meipai (Recorded via #Meipai)

Ting (Deleted post) #1
天龍地虎。覺得有些事不是墊腳就能解決的 —
Dragon in the sky, tiger on Earth*. (I) feel that some things cannot be resolved by tip-toeing alone—
t/n: *There isn't a clear definition for this, but it refers to something like two people who differ greatly in height, like comparing a humungous dragon with a tiger.

Ting #2
Whenever you're not around, the loneliness sets in

Translated by i-MPF 

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