Wednesday 24 September 2014

[IG] MP's Instagram Updates 2014/09/23

Kai #1
這個脆皮燒肉真的是讓我念念不忘,酥脆的表皮+嫩Q的肥肉還有彈牙的瘦肉,恩,算妳狠^_^ #mp魔幻力量凱開 #mp魔幻力量 #magicpower #taiwanesefood #taiwan #taipei #love #小金城武

This crispy roasted meat is really unforgettable. The crisp skin + tender, Q* fat meat as well as firm^ lean meat, mm, you win ^_^ #magicpowerkaikai #magicpower #magicpower #taiwanesefood #taiwan #taipei #love #littleTakeshiKaneshiro

t/n: *Q is the Chinese way of describing chewy. So for example, if your ramen noodles are nice & chewy (note: has to be chewy in the good way), you could say "these noodles are very Q."
^彈牙 (tán yá), here, means that the meat is firm and requires more chewing to get through (note: it's well-cooked, just that maybe 'cause the meat is thick, thus, it needs to be chewed with more effort)

Ga #1
It should be very good at shaking if it dances the Battle Dance!
t/n: The text on the fish tank says "war god arowana"

Ga #2
#愛玩客#吳鳳 他真的很有活力很可愛很幽默!! 而且他很喜歡我們的音樂!
#iWalker #WuFeng He's really very energetic, very cute & very humorous!! And he likes our music a lot!

Xiang #1
天才小釣手^^!#mp魔幻力量 #愛玩客
Little genius fisherman^^! #magicpower #iWalker
t/n: An alternative meaning for this phrase, could refer to the anime "Sanpei the Fisherman"

Translated by i-MPF 

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