Sunday, 14 September 2014

[FB] B'in Music + Hao Xiao Zong's Facebook Updates About MP 2014/09/13

B'in #1

2.就是今天中午12:00 全台7-11 ibon開賣12/20「我們的主場」小巨蛋演唱會門票!一起搶票

Good morning! A reminder for today's highlights!

1. The single「I Still Love You」has strongly (made it's debut) at NO. 2 (on the) KKBOX (chart). It's sitting at the second place desiring to be
(lit. staring) at first place, so MPFs let's (help it) advance to number one!
2. Ticket sales will begin today at 12:00  noon at all 7-11 ibon (machines) in Taiwan for the 12/20「Our Home Ground」Taipei Arena Concert! Let's grab the tickets together!
Hao Xiao Zong's posts below the cut:

Hao Xiao Zong #1
成軍五年 從東區小樂團到電音搖滾第一團
一步一步的努力 一首又一首的經典好歌
謝謝MPF的一路支持 讓越來越多人認識MP
今年12/20 MP魔幻力量終於要登上小巨蛋了!
給你最震撼的音樂攻擊 最強烈的視覺暴動
最親民的演唱會票價 最親切的舞台設計
破天荒打造的四面環繞舞台 讓MP近距離的逼向你
今天中午12:00開票 不能賴床 先搶先贏啊!

MP魔幻力量 「我們的主場OURS’ 」演唱會
台北小巨蛋 2014·12·20(SAT.) pm7:30
9/13(六)中午12:00 7-11 ibon我們一起搶票!

Five years after their debut; from a small band in the East side to the Top EDM Rock Band
Step by step of hard work, song after song of classic hits
Performance after performance [enabling them to] hold more and more larger scaled concerts [over time]
Thank you MPFs for your support all this while, enabling more people to know about MP
This year, [on] 12/20, Magic Power's finally advancing to the Taipei Arena!
This will definitely be the most large scaled EDM Rock concert in Taiwan
Giving you the most formidable music attack & the strongest visual revolt
The most wallet-friendly
 ticket prices & the most intimate stage design
An unprecedented multi-directional stage, letting MP (interact) closely with you
Ticket sales start this afternoon [at] 12:00, don't laze in bed, the fastest hand wins!

Magic Power 「Our Home Ground OURS’ 」 Concert
Taipei Arena 2014·12·20 (SAT.) 7:30pm
Let's grab the tickets together on 9/13 (Sat) 12:00pm at all 7-11 ibon [machines]!

Hao Xiao Zong #2
今天晚上20:00 TVBS歡樂台 全球中文音樂榜上榜(MP謝票迷你歌友會-上)
(20:00一到 MP是第一組先播的喔 所以一定要準時收看)
還有記得MP演唱時,銀幕會出現“黃金QR CODE”,快速用手機掃瞄他,登入投票,你投1票等於投10票喔
而且參與QR Code投票給MP的人還有機會參加12/20小巨蛋演唱會VIP證抽獎(1人抽獎2人同行喔!!)所以記得鎖定喔~

Tonight [at] 20:00 [on] TVBS Entertainment Channel Global Chinese Music [chart show] (MP's mini showcase to thank fans for their votes- Part One)
(Right at 20:00, MP's [performance] will be the first to be broadcast, so [you] definitely have to tune in on time)
And remember, during MP's performance, the screen will display a “Golden QR CODE”. Use your phone to scan it immediately, then log in to the voting page; that 1 vote of yours will be considered as 10 votes [for MP]
And also, those who vote for MP by scanning the QR Code will get a chance to participate in a lucky draw to win a VIP pass to [MP's] 12/20 Taipei Arena Concert (1 person will win 2 passes) So remember to stay tuned~

Hao Xiao Zong #3
明天晚上20:00 中視 魔力全開 MP魔幻力量被魔術搞到崩潰
廷廷錄影前手機憑空不見 整場錄影心神不寧
鼓鼓竟然被魔術師控制 傻眼失去10萬元
精彩內容 不能錯過 魔幻力量被魔力征服的全紀錄

Tommorrow night at 20:00, CTV's Magic Power Show, Magic Power's having a mental breakdown because of the magic
Before the recording, Tingting's phone vanished into thin air, (& he was) uneasy throughout the entire recording
Gaga was pressed by the honesty bell so much that he nearly had to hold a press conference to clarify (himself)
Googoo was actually controlled by the magician & was dumfounded to have lost NTD100,000
Exciting contents that (you) cannot miss; The full records of Magic Power being subdued by magic

Translated by i-MPF 

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