Thursday, 22 January 2015

[FB] MP's Facebook Updates 2015/01/19

MP #1
廷(Mr. Superhero):


Ting (Mr. Superhero):
This is the best and also the most beautiful birthday present I've ever received my whole life.

Although there's still half a month [to my birthday], but this advanced [birthday] present has made me feel very touched. This year, as well as for all [my] subsequent birthdays, please do not spend money on buying any presents [for me]. Save up that token [sum] and blessing of yours to give to every single friend who needs help and warmth. This is the only present that I want the most, thank you in advance.

t/n: Click on the cut below to read the contents of the message that Ting received, as seen in the picture above.

MP #2


The KKBOX Awards Ceremony that is held only once per year is starting soon!! (I'll) [secretly] tell you guys to hurry up & get your tickets now~

Moshpit Tickets:
Normal Tickets:

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Goo #1
After party 遇見好多好久不見獨立音樂圈的朋友 聊不完的話,真開心大家都還是努力的在堅持奮鬥著,也都有一番成就!當你自己一個人默默的在努力時千萬別想著你是一個人!因為陪你一起的,至少還有我!

(I) met a lot of friends from the independent music scene who I've not seen in ages at the After party. (We had) an endless amount of conversion topics & (I'm) really happy that everyone's still working hard to persevere on (in the scene), and (that they've) all achieved some accomplishments! When you're silently working hard by yourself, please don't think that you're alone! Because at least there's still me, who's by your side!
We'll continue working hard! Goodnight~
To the people who are working hard & pressing on!
One more post + the translation of the message Ting received above under the cut below!

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Goo #2
謝謝你們幫我經營那些小小粉絲專頁 還有去小小粉絲頁按讚的你們 , 我有時間一定會多去閒晃的!別說我壞話喔!晚安~

Thank you guys for creating these little fan pages for me, as well as to those who have 'liked' these little fan pages (on Facebook). I'll definitely check them out (lit. roam around) when I'm free! Don't say nasty things about me! Goodnight~

Translation of the message Ting received:
Bingzhi, I know that there's nothing that you lack
And that (you) don't want (lit. hope for) me to spend money on buying a present for you
So, I decided to use the money (I would've) spent on a present (for you) to do something meaningful
I've sponsored a child under World Vision
Good deeds aren't something that (a person) does for one or two days
I'll definitely continue to help support them. My mother was happy to know that I did this, (I) believe that you will too.
I'm so happy that (I) did something that was meaningful and (was able to) help someone out too. I'll send a picture of the child for you to see below (this message) - he's so cute~ Goodnight, your birthday present will be this, haha
Ps - (I'll) have to eat KeLeGuo everyday from now on :D

Translated by i-MPF 

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