MP #1
... etc
The first stop for the Pre-Order Autograph Sessions is tomorrow! Please read the instructions below carefully~
Information on the [Fighting For Love] Pre-Order Autograph Sessions in Taichung & Chiayi & Tainan:
... etc
(If you missed out on the details previously, you can find our translation of the details here.)
MP #2
P.S 想被抽中的幸運兒,寄預購單跟發票只要「影印」即可,正本請務必留好喔,這樣專輯到貨你才可以領取喔。
Ga: Come, come, come~ (In this video,) we will very considerately be bringing you to check out all the great stuff available on a Star Cruises cruise ship first!
P.S Those who want to be the lucky ones who are picked, (we) only need (you to) send the「photocopied」version of your pre-order slip and receipt, so please keep the original copy safely, so that you can collect your album when it's available.
t/n: Goo also shared this video with the caption "期待喲~" (Look forward [to it]~)
MP #3
MP的官方Instagram 成立囉~所有最即時的照片影片都會和大家分享!可以來搜尋mp_magicpower
MP's official Instagram (account) has been created~ We'll be sharing all the latest photos and videos with everyone (on this account)! (You) can come and search mp_magicpower
MP #4
7/26 MP除了預售簽唱會
晚上22:20 也會在嘉義妖怪搖鬼音樂節喔~
7/26 Other than the Album Pre-order Autograph Sessions, MP will also
be performing at the "Chiayi Ghost Rock Festival" at 22:20 at night~
If (you're) unable to make it to the venue, (you) can tune in to the Apple Daily Live broadcast
MP #5
1. 預購簽唱會簽什麼:預購海報 & 前3張專輯和DVD
2. 預購海報怎麼領:憑預購單到各場次兌換海報,要注意各場次的兌換時間噢
3. 海報怎麼換:1張專輯1張海報,如同1張訂購單有3張專輯,可以換3張海報
4. 號碼牌怎麼換:換完預購海報後,不論購買幾張專輯1人限兌換1張號碼牌
5. 預購抽獎禮回函:如1張預購發票明細影本或網路預購單明細,有3張專輯,
6. 抽獎回函也可以帶到各預購簽唱會現場交給現場相信音樂的工作人員喔
7. 現場不收禮物也不拍照喔,因為擔心耽誤時間讓在後面場次等待的歌迷等太久
Collating the recent FAQs from everyone regarding the autograph sessions and lucky draw to answer everyone here~
1. What will be signed during the pre-order autograph sessions: Pre-order poster & (MP's) previous 3 albums and DVD
2. How do (we) collect the poster: Redeem (your) poster at any of the (autograph) sessions with (your) pre-order slip, so please take note of the different timings for redemption at each session
3. How do (we) redeem the poster: 1 album (gets you) 1 poster, if 3 albums are reflected on your pre-order slip, (you'll) be able to redeem 3 posters
4. How do (we) get the number tags: After redeeming the pre-order poster, regardless of the number of albums pre-ordered, 1 person is (only allowed to) exchange for 1 number tag
5. Mailing back the lucky draw application form: If your photocopied pre-order receipt or online pre-order slip clearly shows that you pre-ordered 3 albums, please print out 3 application forms & fill in the details, then attach the photocopied version of your pre-order slip (to each form) and mail them to B'in Music in a single envelope
6. You can also hand in your (lucky draw) application forms to the B'in Music staff on-site at any of the pre-order autograph sessions
7. We (MP) won't be accepting any presents nor taking any photos (with the fans) at each event, because (we're) worried that it might delay (us) and cause fans at the next event to have to wait for a long time (for MP to arrive)
So everyone please abide by the rules~
Translated by i-MPF
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