Monday, 4 May 2015

[FB] MP's Facebook Updates 2015/04/21

Goo #1
洛城小約跟你say hi!


LA Yorkie says, "hi" to you!

My "good morning" equals to your "goodnight."

Goo #2
昨晚在Santa Monica海邊, 就好像置身在GTA電玩場景一模一樣,公路街景像就算了!沒想到還真的有大章魚跟摩天輪!!也太好玩了!!這種興奮的程度跟你們女生講也不懂啦!哈哈~


It felt exactly like a scene from the GTA game (when we were) by the beach at Santa Monica last night. It's nothing much if it were just the roads & streets that were similar! Who knew that there really would be the *big octopus and ferris wheel!! It was too much fun!! You girls wouldn't understand (my) degree of excitement even if (I) explained it to you! Haha~

My "good morning" equals to your "goodnight."

t/n: *Goo's referring to "Pacific Park," an amusement park in Santa Monica with said infrastructure!

Leibao #1
Going insane!!

Leibao #2

Today's itinerary: Had a meeting with the producer, was so touched to (finally) have white rice to eat, rented a car to shop for jordan shoes in Hollywood, browsed a shop selling musical instruments, and later strolled along the beach at Santa Monica, then went back to the hotel to prepare to bathe and go to bed!! To be continued tomorrow...

MP #1
Goo: It was never (my) childhood dream to be a pilot, but neither did (I) think about becoming a singer. How far are you from (your) dreams?

Translated by i-MPF 

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