(I) heard from MTV that this bus will be operating (lit. running) around Taipei for a month ^^(You'll get to) board this if you're lucky

拍到賴世凱打瞌睡的拜託不要PO 除非美圖秀秀過^^
(I) hope that all fans, whether (you were) inside or outside of the vehicle, had lots of fun today
(Those who) took photos of Lai Shikai (Kaikai) napping, please do not post (them) Unless you've used Meitu Xiuxiu* ^^
t/n: * Meitu Xiuxiu (美圖秀秀) is Kai's favourite photo editing app (which can be found in Apple's app store).

#10Post #6 on MP's performance at the "Global Chinese Music" show & #7 on the Idol Bus can be found below the cut!
8/29(本週五)18:00 三立完全娛樂
眾神期盼 史上最離奇的仙境節目
戰神X七仙女-神之聯誼 決戰onlove
驚見幾尊仙女走鐘如見鬼 親密闖關遊戲有如遊地府玩18層地慾
戰神們能活著走出天庭嗎?敬請鎖定戲說台灣 喂~是完全娛樂啦
8/29 (This Fri) 18:00 SETTV ShowBiz
Every god has been looking forward to this, the world's most bizarre fairyland program
Gods of War X Seven Goddesses (Fairies) - The friendship between gods; Showdown on love
The six strongest war gods in heaven bravely entered the heavenly palace to meet the seven goddesses
(But they looked) liked they saw ghosts after meeting the goddesses in person; the games (which required) close interaction were like playing games in the 18 levels of Hell
Will the war gods walk out of the heavenly palace alive? Please stay tuned to Taiwan's Stories* Hey~ (I mean) ShowBiz
t/n: *戲說台灣 is a Taiwanese historical drama that talks about gods and spirits. The show doesn't have an official English name.
歐美 日本 韓國都會爭先邀請發片歌手錄製最新的LIVE歌曲
尤其是近年來的韓國節目 光是一組歌手發片 每個電視台都下重本打造場景 燈光 LED 出場方式一家比一家還屌 每週看節目都像在看演唱會的秀
但台灣呢?沒錯還在斤斤計較歌手打歌的時間長短 規定不能唱超過2分
有些節目甚至在播出後剪到只剩副歌或30秒不到 超沒道義
他門總是會說歌曲太新 觀眾沒聽過會想轉台 所以不能播長
台灣節目不知何時只聊家常談是非 導致越來越多歌手不上節目
而頒獎典禮也是 邀請歌手來唱 永遠都必須要唱“經典歌曲”
經典到8.9級生完全沒聽過 自然而然的他們怎會想看電視呢?
網路才有他們追求的最新資訊 上網看節目的頻率整個強壓電視台收視率
終於 台灣TVBS開播了全球中文音樂榜上榜
這個讓歌手可以完全展現舞台魅力 歌唱實力的音樂節目
節目錄製單歌絕對不馬虎 不是只錄一遍就OK播出的那種
而是彩排過好多次才有好看的畫面 包刮歌手眼神舞蹈動作和攝影機的運鏡
舉例MP的戰神就彩排四遍 錄了三個角度 才剪接成現在豐富的畫面
希望大家能多收看此節目 讓他們有信心做得更好 多分享台灣自己的視頻
讓外國人看到台灣也有很棒的音樂節目 很大氣的舞台表演
European, American, Japanese & Korean (shows) all fight for the chance to invite singers who've just released an album to record a LIVE (performance of their) newest song
Especially for Korean shows these few years, for just one group of singers alone, every single broadcast station will spare no expense in creating a set (for the singers) with lightings & LED, with each station making (the artiste's) entrance more & more grand. Watching these shows every week, (I) feel like (I'm) watching a concert show (instead)
As for European & American award ceremonies, singers will always put up a spectacular performance of their latest songs
With some (singers) being newcomers who've only released one album, (and yet are given the chance) to stand on such big stages to perform their new song
That's why (I) often see others sharing these kinds of performance videos on FACEBOOK, raving about how dope and how entertaining (they are)
This is the kind of impression that the shows in these countries give off
But what about Taiwan? That's right, they're still very calculative about the duration that singers take to promote their album, insisting that (singers) should not sing for more than 2 minutes
Some shows even edit the performance until there's only the chorus left for the broadcast. (They) really don't have ethics
They're always saying that these songs are too new & that the audiences have not heard it before & would wanna change channels, so the performance has to be edited (lit. cannot be broadcasted for long)
(I'm) not sure when Taiwan's shows (started becoming programmes that only) talk about gossip, but this has resulted in many singers (deciding) not to appear on shows
Have you ever seen any friend sharing a video on FACEBOOK & saying that this episode on mother-in-laws was too dope & too entertaining?
Even award ceremonies (are like that), invite singers to come & sing, but (telling them that they can) only sing their “classic songs”
It's so classic that people born after the 1990s haven't even heard of these songs before, so naturally, would they wanna watch the TV (show)?
The internet has the latest information that they're looking for, online viewership (lit. watching shows online) has also strongly surpassed television viewsership
But finally, Taiwan's TVBS introduced the "Global Chinese Music" (chart show)
A music programme that allows singers to fully showcase their stage charisma and singing talent
The programme's producers are definitely not sloppy - this isn't the kind (of show) that only records once and (says) it's OK
Instead, there are many rounds of rehearsals in order to get a good shot, which also includes the singers' gaze, dance moves as well as camera angles
For e.g., in order to get the rich imagery (seen in the performance), MP rehearsed "Fighting For Love" four times & recorded three takes from different angles
I hope everyone will continue to stay tuned to this show & give them the confidence to do even better, (for more people to) share more of Taiwan's videos (i.e. shows)
So that foreigners would be able to see that Taiwan has really fantastic music shows & really grand stage performances as well
If not, the broadcast channel would have to stop the program because (they) deem that the program (isn't good enough) due to inaccurate (low) viewership ratings
And gradually, shows discussing about gossip would start replacing (these shows)
Do you really want to watch artistes discussing about gossip topics such "husbands who cheat" and "busybody mother-in-laws"?

大家一起渡過了又熱又冷 又哭又笑 團結有力 熱血的一天
(老實說攀岩那關 看到好多女生靠自己上去 我都落淚了)
實在是於心不忍 所以臨時到工廠調了專輯海報
但老實說今天有點小失望 因為有些人放鴿子
謝謝 我們無以回報 只能送專輯海報
在這裡再次跟一路被淘汰下車的歌迷say 拍謝
沒辦法 節目遊戲規則啦 我們也很想帶走全部的人啊
下回我愛偶像 巴士改火車好不好 讓更多人可以一路玩到底
It's been hard on the fans who came as well as MTV's production team today
Everyone went through a hot and cold, crying and laughing, united & hot-blooded day together
(To be honest, for the rock-climbing test, I started tearing when [I] saw so many girls climbing up [the wall] on their own effort)
Yesterday, when I realised that over 200 people would be eliminated in the first round
(I) really couldn't bear [the thought] & went to the factory to get some album posters at the last minute
And also asked the publishers for magazines with MP on the cover, which are already usually hard to get (i.e. due to limited stocks)
So that fans (lit. friends) who turned up at the venue but would not have the chance to get on the vehicle would have some benefits
But to be honest, (I'm) a little disappointed today, because some people didn't turn up
If that's the case, would MTV dare to organise events for MP in the future?
As for those who weren't selected but came down to the venue to give support
Thank you, we didn't have any other ways to repay (you guys), (so we could) only give out album posters
Here, I wanna apologise (dialect) again to all the fans who were eliminated from the bus along the way
There was no way (I could help), it was the rules of the programme, we also really wanted to bring everyone along
Next time on "Idols of Asia", shall we change the Idol Bus to Idol Train? So that even more people can continue to play (games with MP) till the end
Translated by i-MPF
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